Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance - Good, Bad or Indifferent?

There can be only a few in the United States who do not know the names of America's oldest health insurance provider. But despite his age and the fact that the coverage is approximately one third of all Americans, how well Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance?

Many people who use Blue Cross Blue Shield apparently received with mixed feelings. On the one hand, Blue Cross Blue Shield provides health insurance is a relatively cheap alternative to a large number of other health care plansBut on the other side, as it also seems that this is very much a case of "you get what you pay for '.

Certainly, the cost of Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance is relatively low, but the price you pay, this is often in the fact that it takes ever seen on the care you need. Often it takes several weeks just as soon get an appointment and we find it to seek out a physician who can then several more weeks if not months to get a referral to a specialist if thisprove necessary.

The real problem is, of course, that this is not just Blue Cross Blue Shield apply, and there are a significant number of other vendors there who are just as bad.

Whether you are participating HMO, PPO, or any other type of health care providers, many have their problems, and always, the root of the problem is simply the age-old question of money. Just like any other type of company health insurance companies seek to maximize their profits, while theProvision of minimum standards for care, will accept their clients. In the case of Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance for at least one advantage over the people who pay more, but that's a small consolation.

So just what is the answer to this problem?

Well, in the long run, of course, the only thing that will really make a difference, to a system of single payer health care movement. In countries where everyone pays into a central health system through theirAny taxes, regardless of whether they have money or not, has fulfilled their health needs and past are the days when we saw families suffer just because of the inability to meet their physician the bill.

Until the day comes when we live a single payer health care, a significant number of Americans as they do now, in fear that ill know that when it came to badly damaging the resources that could also land them in this debt that they simplynever again.

Enough of this reverie, as though putting the fact of the matter that is the universal health care is a long way when it comes to anything, and at present we are with what we have, which means for many Blue Cross Blue Shield .

Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance is not the best in the world, but perhaps together with other available, they are not a bad alternative for the price. At the end of the day, Blue Cross Blue Shield has about longerthan any other insurer and provides health insurance for a larger share of the population to make than any other, so that they will do something really needs to.

This is only a personal opinion and your own experience can be very different.

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